The Board designates the Superintendent as the individual charged with operational responsibility for verifying that the District meets the goals established in this policy.
The Superintendent shall appoint a District wellness committee that includes parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, educational staff (including physical education teachers), school health professionals, members of the public and school administrators to oversee development, implementation, evaluation and periodic update of the wellness policy. The Wellness Committee shall be an ad hoc committee with members recruited and chosen annually.
The Wellness Committee shall be responsible for:
assessment of the current school environment;
review of the District’s wellness policy;
presentation of the wellness policy to the school board for approval;
measurement of the implementation of the policy;
recommendation for the revision of the policy, as necessary.
Before the end of each school year the Wellness Committee shall recommend to the Superintendent any revisions to the policy it deems necessary.
The Superintendent shall report annually to the Board on the progress of the Wellness Committee and on its evaluation of policy implementation and areas for improvement, including status of compliance by individual schools and progress made in attaining goals of policy.
The Superintendent is also responsible for informing the public, including parents, students and community members, on the content and implementation of this policy. In order to inform the public, the Superintendent shall distribute information at the beginning of the school year to families of school children and post the policy on the District’s website, including the Wellness Committee's assessment of the implementation of the policy.